Separate Entities, Etienne Bouteillé, 2016 Separate Entities, Etienne Bouteillé, 2016 Separate Entities, Etienne Bouteillé, 2016

Separate entities (2016), Video piece

Dual channel HD video

Separate Entities is a short video I put together, between technical experimentation and poetic exploration. For this project I was interested in the faculty we have, as humans, to project life into inanimate objects. We always seem to try and give a personality to an object moving around, even if in reality it is only a consequence of its environment. The two elements of the video are moved by invisible forces, and seem to converge together to form something that would almost take human form.

The video was modeled in Blender and rendered with Cycles. The soft cloth simulation were made possible by Blender powerful cloth tools, and GPU rendering on cycles allowed for a fast and iterative workflow. The video was then composited with After Effects and cut in Premiere.