Digital Intimacy, Etienne Bouteillé, 2018 Digital Intimacy, Etienne Bouteillé, 2018 Digital Intimacy, Etienne Bouteillé, 2018 Digital Intimacy, Etienne Bouteillé, 2018

Digital intimacy (2018), Augmented Reality application

Digital Intimacy is a narrative AR app exploring the themes of data collection and the involvement of the body in our relation to technology. The idea came to be when prompted by Google Maps to do a figure 8 gesture with my phone in order to enhance the compass precision. For one of the first time my phone had gotten me to move around in the real world more than finger. But what if, not content with aggregating our personal information, Google also stored and analysed the way we move in the world?

In this app I play with the user’s physical involvement in the app, using different strategies to get them moving. The movement data is then played back to them is various ways, mimicking the user’s gesture and questioning the possible implications of having our physical bodies counterfeited by technology.

To create the Augmented Reality experience I am using Unity and ARKit as well as displacement shaders.