Well Tempered Structure, Etienne Bouteillé, 2018 Well Tempered Structure, Etienne Bouteillé, 2018 Well Tempered Structure, Etienne Bouteillé, 2018

Well tempered structure (2018), Virtual reality installation

Room scale virtual reality, screen, concrete

Well Tempered was created within the context of my work at Humans since 1982.

“Well Tempered Structure” is an interactive installation and first attempt to immerse into and play with properties of our kinetic project A million Times. The installation merges tangible and intangible, visible and invisible. As the many clock-hands of A million Times follow pre-programmed orders from a computer, the hundreds of concrete sticks in this installation follow directly ones movements, leaving the participant with a feeling of power and airiness where (virtual) reality follows commands by a single gesture. Presented as both a screen based piece and a virtual reality installation, the spectator has the choice to either watch or create.